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The biggest event Swiss Iwc Replica has ever held in Europe took place on 26 April 2017. The dinner, which was held in the Turbine Hall at London's Tate Modern gallery, transformed the space into a lunar land station complete with spacemen lined up along the entrance. It celebrated the 60th anniversary of the Speedmaster, the world's most renowned space watch. The UK capital welcomed a group of wannabe astronauts, dozens of celebrities from the music, film and modelling industries, and Swiss Iwc Replica CEO Raynald Alschlimann.

Clooney, echoing the mood in the hall, led the tributes for Aldrin. He said: "I watched live on television in 1969, as the two first humans stepped foot on the Moon. They were two of the only twelve people to have done so in history. Buzz Aldrin's and Neil Armstrong's success was crucial for the entire world.Bell & Ross Replica Watches I can't thank them for their courage and leadership enough. "It's a great honour to have met Buzz and be with him today."

The day before, Revolution had the honor of spending an hour with Aldrin, photographing him for Revolution's UK cover. We also talked about space exploration, wristwatches, and colonising Mars. Aldrin is one of the most frequently interviewed men in the world. It was clear from the beginning that he had heard it all. He also has the habit of turning questions around to say what he wanted to, usually about Mars. Christina Korp, his ever-present "Mission Director", patiently brings the conversation back on track. She laughs as she says: "When I first took this job, another astronaut said, "you've grabbed onto a rocket". It was a good analogy.

Aldrin, who is still being asked to speak about his incredible feat from 48 years ago and to discuss the work he has done since then, says he had a full career before and that despite this, he continues to prepare for future adventures and exploration. He says, "That's what I do." "I have served my country ever since I took an oath of allegiance at West Point Military AcademyandI continue to serve now."

Buzz Aldrin, exclusively photographed for Revolution at London's Langham Hotel on 25 April 2017. Ben Harries (Swiss Iwc Replica)

Aldrin, who believed he was destined to reach the stars, explains that: "My mother, Marion Moon, was born in the same year as the Wright Brothers first flew. I got to see World War II. My father was in Europe and the Pacific. I fought in the Korean War. I received my Doctorate of Astronautics from MIT, working on Manned Orbital Rendezvous – docking and reuniting methods for spacecraft orbiting. This was used for the Gemini programme I now develop orbits which go around the Moon, back to Earth and also cycle orbits to Mars. I won't see it, but I am preparing people for their first trips to Mars. "I've never had a busier life."